--------------- Lab02: warm-up2 --------------- This is another warm-up lab that prepares you with the basic techniques of writting shellcode, which is a small piece of code used as the payload in the exploitation of vulnerability. You will learn how to write shellcode on 32-bit 64-bit architecture. Your shellcode will need to be injected into the vulnerable binary and read the flag from /proc/flag under different circumstances. NOTE: Don't use execve which changes a binary image. * Problems + [level 01] env [20 points] + [level 02] bomblab2_01 [20 points] + [level 03] bomblab2_02 [20 points] + [level 04] bomblab2_03 [20 points] + [level 05] bomblab2_04 [20 points] + [level 06] shellcode32 [20 points] + [level 07] shellcode64 [20 points] + [level 08] shellcode-min [20 points] + [level 09] shellcode-poly [20 points] + [level 10] shellcode-ascii [20 points] * Refs https://www.exploit-db.com/docs/21013.pdf http://phrack.org/issues/57/15.html